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These writing pieces allow you to see not only who I am as a writer, but who I am a person including my fears and hopes. These pieces are mainly from the second half of my college career because that was when I reflected more about my life. That was a time in my life (probably because of internship interviews where I had to do some soul searching about what I wanted to do) where I thought more about who I was as a person and took a slight breather away from school.


These pieces all allowed me to explore different parts of me: me as a writer, me as an insecure college student, me as an adventurer, and me as a senior reminiscing on the past.


I reflected about the seemingly ordinary life experiences that I’ve had: taking writing classes, going out on a Friday night, going to the park, and being a senior in college. They all may seem ordinary, but by reflecting on these experiences, I find meaning in them and understand more about the world and myself in the process. I hope you're able to understand more about me as a person as well.


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