Something Even More New
The remediating project recreated the (newly written) repurposing project into a new medium with the same audience and purpose. With my Thought Catalog article, "7 Reasons Why You Should Work in a Diverse Company," I recreated it into a brochure that would be placed in a college career center.
It was natural to turn it into a brochure because I thought it would be useful for the topic of diversity since it is a hot topic in schools and corporations. A brochure was also something I had never made before and this project allowed me to explore that. I learned that aesthetic design is important because it needs to be visually appealing. I wanted a simple, clean layout because I wanted the reader to focus on the content with the design supporting that goal. I
I didn't necessarily model my brochure exactly like another career center brochure, but I used one for reference. I wanted to see the elements that made a brochure good. I used a range of resources to help make the brochure.
After tweaking margins in Microsoft Word and recieving feedback from my teacher, I created a brochure I was happy with.
However it wasn't without struggle; Read my thoughts as I created my first draft: author's note