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Something Old and Something New

The repurposing project takes an old piece and recreates it for a new audience in a different way, but still retains the same purpose. I repurposed a piece on diversity that was orginally written as part of an internship application. The subject of the essay was what diversity meant to me and how I was dedicated to diversity as a whole.


The process of creating the repurposed piece was longer than past projects because with this project, there was time and space for feedback since it was an ongoing project that lasted throughout the semester. The hardest part was figuring out what medium to make my new article in since I wanted to choose a medium that college students read.


I created a Thought Catalog article, "7 Reasons Why You Should Work at a Diverse Company" that is geared towards college students with job seekers as the secondary audience. Thought Catalog is a website that is readily accessible to college students, but it doesn't limit the scope of the audience either. People in their twenties read it too, and given the topic of diversity, I thought it would be relevant to them too. I chose to create a Thought Catalog article because it was a form of new media writing and it was a form I wanted to try. It would also target the audience I was focusing on.


After working on this project for the whole semester, I have a finished article that was a result of a thorough writing process.


Follow my writing process: proposal, sketch draft, first rough draftauthor's note for first rough draftpeer revision draft, annotated bibliography.


What resulted from the repurposing projected is a brochure intended for college students that would be placed in a career center.

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"Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words."

-Mark Twain

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